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Regione Lazio
Comune di Roma - Dipartimento Attività Culturali


1st Edition “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” - 2022
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  1. In 2022, The Musical & Cultural Association “Sette Note Romane” is organizing the 1st edition of “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” to judge and promote primarily young international jazz talents.

  2. The contest is open to jazz soloists from all countries in the world born on or before 4/23/1992.

  3. The contest will take place in three periods. In the selective first period, the JURY will examine links to the applicants’ compositions intended for submission to the contest. Of these, the JURY will select 12 semifinalists, who will then perform live before the JURY. For the second period, 6 finalists will be selected to perform live in the presence of the JURY for the third and final period.

  4. The JURY is made up of internationally known Maestros: Bruno BIRIACO (President), Danilo REA, Javier GIROTTO, Brenda PRETORIUS (President of the Association), Alfredo SANTOLOCI (Artistic Director).

  5. The programme will be performed with only one composition and emailed to from a reliable link, without password and login, so that the applicant’s recorded musical material can be displayed.

  6. The applicant is solely responsible for the accessibility of the link with his/her musical material, liable to exclusion from the contest in case of non-compliance. The link must remain active and accessible until the 21st May 2022, inclusive.

  7. The candidate may participate by sending a maximum of three compositions, at least one of which must be an unpublished composition. The composition must be recently recorded solely for the contest, proven by incorporating the “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” leaflet in the video. The Association may judge whether or not to accept compositions used for any other prior event or contest.

  8. The “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” fee for each applicant is Euro 50, non-refundable except as pursuant to art.23 below. The sum must be transferred by bank draft indicating Associazione Musicale e Culturale “SETTE NOTE ROMANE,” Banca Prossimo, Agenzia di Piazza Paolo Ferrari,10 – 20121 Milano (Italy). IBAN CODE IT17V033590160010000012524, specifying “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST 2022” and the musicians/singers’ names and surnames.

  9. Registration by completed form (RJC attached hereto) must be followed by an e-mail stating Name, Surname, telephone number, titles of the compositions and names of authors. Registration forms must be filled in and signed. Include bank transfer receipt for registration fees (see art.8), a copy of an I.D. document and copies of the sheet music for the selection to be performed. For participation of minors, a copy of a parent or guardian’s I.D. is required, or if not possible, an authenticated certified photo with self-certification of the parent or guardian will be required (see form in portal

  10. Registration forms and other documents must be sent by  11 p.m. on 23th April 2022 , exclusively via e-mail to:

  11. Late registrations may be accepted at the discretion of the Association’s President and Operations Director.

  12. The International JURY’s opinion will be indisputable and final.

  13. Starting 4/23/2022, the day after closure of registrations, the JURY will evaluate all compositions received, until 4/30/2022, when 12 semifinalists’ names will be published in the Association’s site

  14. Evolution of semifinals: the 12 semifinalists will be divided into two groups of 6 and will compete at the BOOGIE CLUB OF ROME at Via Gaetano Astolfi,63/65 in Rome (Italy). The first group will perform on the afternoon/evening of Friday 13th May 2022, and the second group in the afternoon of Saturday 14th May 2022. The JURY will choose 3 musicians/singers from each group.
    Evolution of finals: the 6 finalists (musicians/singers) will perform live in the presence of the JURY at The BOOGIE CLUB OF ROME, starting from 20:30 on Saturday 14th May 2022, and the winner of the 1st edition of the ROMA JAZZ CONTEST will be proclaimed the same night.

  15. The Association will provide musicians (pianist, bass player and drums) to accompany competitors for performances of selections in the semi-finals and finals. Competitors must provide the musicians with sheet music for all scores within 3 days of the announcement of the semifinalists by e-mail to

  16. The “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” will assign prizes to the top three chosen by the JURY.
    1st Place:
    1. Recording and publishing of a CD with the label CogiMusic Distributed by well-known download and digital streaming platforms (copyrights will be complied with by signing a private contract between the partners) and 300 CDs published, 50 reserved for the winner of the contest (The winner must provide a release to the recording company as described above).
    2. One concert to be performed at the BOOGIE CLUB ROME during the club’s yearly programming in 2022.
    3. First prize certificate.

    2nd and 3rd Place:
    1. One concert to be performed during the club’s yearly programming in 2022
    2. Second and third prize certificates.

    Moreover, the Museo del Saxofono of Fiumicino, Rome will award to each of the top three winners: 1 free ticket to visit the museum and 2 books titled "Guida al Museo del Saxofono" and "Saxophones" by Selmer.

    For all participants:
    1. A digital certificate of participation (By request of participant).

  17. In the event of exhibitions and concerts organised during the year, the Association reserves the option to invite Musicians/Singers) from amongst the 12 finalists for transmissions by our Media Partner for the RADIO ROCK contest, to be interviewed and to promote their compositions on the air. Additionally, one or more artists chosen from amongst the 12 finalists will be invited to perform in a concert which will be organised during 2022, by our Media Partner of the “MUSEO DEL SAXOFONO” contest of Fiumicino, Rome.

  18. The organisation reserves the option, wherever necessary, to change these regulations and notices, the updated version of which will always be published on the association website

  19. The CONTEST will be held according to health regulations during the contest period to prevent the spread of the COVID19 pandemic. The participants must observe these scrupulously, risking the penalty of exclusion from the contest without refund of the registration fee. The Association reserves the right to evaluate any organisation modification according to the governmental regulations and dispositions to avoid the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic, such as, for example, and not exhaustively, changing of dates or progress of the semifinals and finals, which will be immediately communicated to all contestants and published on the Association site

  20. For any information or requests, please e-mail the Secretary of “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST”

  21. The Musical and Cultural Association “SETTE NOTE ROMANE” informs you that all personal data given to this Association will be processed according to rules in force and particularly the terms of rule U.E. 2016/679 General rule regarding privacy protection (GDPR) applicable from 25/5/2018 and that the data processing manager is the President of the Association, MAESTRO BRENDA PRETORIUS

  22. The rights to the videos sent for participation in the “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” will be implicitly subject to the Musical and Cultural Association Sette Note Romane and any use of this material for dissemination purposes will not imply any compensation and or remuneration to the contestants.

  23. The organisation reserves all rights to cancel the “ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” for any causes or draw-backs outside its control, obstructions of the regular progress, or if it does not consider the number of registrations to be sufficient, in which case registration fees will be refunded entirely.

  24. Participation in“ROMA JAZZ CONTEST” implies, without exception, the unconditional acceptance of these regulations. If not accepted, even partially, this implies the exclusion of the contest without any claim for reimbursement.

  25. For any dispute, Rome (Italy) is the applicable legal jurisdiction.

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Drummer, conductor, composer.
President of Jury.

Danilo REA
Pianist, composer.
Saxophonist, composer, arranger and flutist.
Piano, Singing, Choir Singing teacher and Vocal Coach.
President of Association “Sette Note Romane”.
Composer, polystrumentist, conductor, Saxophone teacher at Conservatorio Santa Cecilia di Roma.
Contest Artistic Director.

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Enrollment request  Roma Jazz Contest Enrollment Request

Contest Regulations Roma Jazz Contest Regulations

Authenticated Photo CertificationScheda foto autenticata PDF

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Associazione Musicale e Culturale SETTE NOTE ROMANE - Via Pietro Cartoni, 195 - 00152 Roma - Tutti i diritti riservati
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